Tuesday, March 13, 2018

10 years in Legal Outsourcing-5 facts for you

I've been too busy dealing with outsourced business to keep up my blog.  Still am. But having just about finished a decade in the outsourcing business successfully (touchwood!) and looking at the number of page views here (as compared to the page views for my other blog Notebook, which I think is the more interesting blog) I thought I should revive this blog. Particularly since I have years of experience to share. Since this comes after a long hiatus, this is going to be a short entry.

5 things you must accept when in the outsourcing business-
1. No matter how high up the ladder you are, you're never going to be as rich as your outsourcers.
2. The fewer the number of middlemen/women involved in getting the business to you, the richer you are.
3. The only thing your outsourcers are concerned about is money.
4. The only thing you should be concerned about is the quality of work outsourced.
5. There are levels and levels in outsourced tasks,  but if you're lucky enough to get real litigation work, there's nothing more exciting!

See you soon.

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